The Baby Who Sprang into The World at 11.11 1.1.11

The Baby Who Sprang into The World at 11.11 1.1.11 - For Rose Gretton was born at 11.11 on 1/1/11. Incredibly, she was also one of 11 babies born on the first day of 2011 at Burton's Queen's Hospital.

Her mother Kacey, a training consultant from Midway, Derbyshire, said: 'With her being born at 11.11am on the first of the first, 2011, she's got all the ones. My mother and I thought that was a lovely coincidence.

Little one: Baby Rose Grettons parents are hoping shell be blessed with good luck after she was born at such a time and date. The youngster weighed in at a healthy 8lb 3oz

'It feels lovely now that she has been born. Seeing her makes all the hard work worthwhile.

'It was a difficult birth, but I am now on the mend. I suppose New Year's day is quite a good day to be born on. Rose was very awake and very loud when she was born.'

Her husband Neil, 31, a graphic designer, said that baby Rose, the couple's first child together, had been a blessing after a difficult birth.

Mrs Gretton, 24, had to undergo an emergency caesarean section after being in hospital for three days.

He said: 'We hope she is going to be a lucky baby. She has all the ones.

'Mother and baby are doing fine after a difficult birth. It's a wonderful day to be born on.

'Rose is lovely and has lots of hair and perfect little features.'

The couple, who married three months ago, said Rose has been a welcome surprise. She weighed in at 8lbs 3oz.

Queen's Hospital midwife Sam Collins said: 'We had 11 deliveries in total, which was a very busy day for us. We do not normally have so many.' ( dailymail )

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