Full body suits expose Singapore's thin skin

Full body suits expose Singapore's thin skin - Citizen's concerned by too much spandex -- but at least you can't spit out gum when wearing one of these outfits

Don a full body spandex suit in Singapore and you could earn the attention of the boys in blue. A proper shirt and trousers blue, mind you.

This possible new oddity in Singapore's straight-laced justice system was discovered last month when two youths clad in a face concealing head-to-toe spandex suits decided to model the new togs at two local shopping malls.

According to a report by MyPaper, the pair were spotted and photographed by concerned citizens who submitted the images to citizen-journalism website Stomp.

Concerned netizens reacted strongly to the photographs of the youths roaming around Causeway Point and Lot One shopping center.

The 'offenders' when interviewed said they were just out "to be funny."

They were inspired to don the suits after seeing cosplayers who had dressed up as a Marvel Comics character, Thor, a few months ago. The suits are also increasing in popularity at sporting events, with fans happy to wear little else other than a second skin in a team's colors.

Regardless, according to a lawyer quoted in the newspaper report, the Singaporeans' lighthearted antics could be considered "running afoul of the law."


These sort of outfits are now a standard fashion item at sporting events but maybe not at Singapore malls.

MyPaper interviewed lawyer Chia Boon Teck, 48, a partner at law firm Chia Wong, who said the youths might be found to be causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress to members of the public, an offence under the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act.

"I might not find them threatening, but someone else might, so it could be controversial," said Foo Cheow Ming, 47, a criminal lawyer at Khattar- Wong, when asked if they have broken any laws.

For now, the two youths are safe from the long arm of the law, unless someone decides to lodge a police report.

When contacted by MyPaper, a police spokesman said: "If a report is lodged, the police will assess if any offence (has been committed) and take action accordingly."

So, in case you were thinking of pulling out the full body spandex for a jaunt about town, you may want to think again. ( CNNGo.com )

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