Anna Chapman: One of the alleged Russian spies arrested by the FBI

Anna Chapman: One of the alleged Russian spies arrested by the FBI - She was barely a spy, now she's baring her skin for a men's magazine. The sexy red-headed Russian Anna Chapman, who was booted out of the U.S. for espionage, has stripped down to pose semi-nude for the Russian edition of Maxim magazine.

The airbrushed, Bond girl-esque cover image features the 28-year-old in black, lacy lingerie holding a silver automatic and sporting diamond earrings. Other images inside promise to be equally ... revealing, the mag boasts.

"No you are not sleeping and your eyesight is not deceiving you," the Maxim website says in Russian. It is "the world-famous red-headed spy, the mysterious debutante from our list of the country's 100 sexiest women.

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