The Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories

The Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories - Conspiracy theories have done their share in making this world a more interesting place to liv  in. At the very least, they have made people think and stretch their imagination just a little bit more. While the original versions of these stories are deemed amazing, mind-boggling, or befuddling, one can imagine how far more interesting their conspiracy theory versions are. Beyond the usual crop of aliens and murder stories, the following conspiracy theories have stood the test of time:


The 1969 Apollo Moon Landing was fake as it was staged somewhere on Earth, and definitely not on the planet's moon as we've been told. It was a well-planned and elaborate US government hoax to show off to Russia its space exploration superiority. It seems that what gave it away were the 'shadows going in different directions and the US flag blowing in the wind.'

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  • Conspiracy Theories of 9/11 
  • Activist group posts 9/11 'leaked' messages
  • Several windows were said to have survived the supposedly tremendous explosion during 9/11 Pentagon, thus making some suspect that the blast was actually smaller than what could have occurred should an airplane crash into a building. Some say that the explosion shown 'was actually caused by a missile fired from inside it by the Americans,' and that no aircraft really hit the building. The conspiracy theorists' claim: 'no wreckage from the American Airlines Boeing 747 was actually found at the scene and that first accounts of the explosion were later doctored by the government.'

    An alien spacecraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on July 8, 1947 but the US military deliberately whitewashed the story, saying that the 'UFO' recovered was just an ordinary weather balloon. 'By hiding and rewriting official documents,' the US government allegedly covered up the real story that 'various parts of an alien spacecraft and even bodies of extra-terrestrials were retrieved from the scene.'

    Other persistent conspiracy theory versions that have stood the test of time are the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, the real reason behind Princess Diana's death, and that Paul McCartney of The Beatles actually died in 1966.( )

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