Indonesian bomb suspect 're-enacts bomb making'

Indonesian bomb suspect 're-enacts bomb making' - The alleged Indonesian mastermind behind the Bali bombings, which killed more than 200 people nine years ago, on Thursday re-enacted how he assembled the bombs used in the attacks, police said.

Umar Patek, 41, allegedly demonstrated to police how he built the explosives at a boarding house on the resort island of Bali, and along with his allies loaded them onto a vehicle.

The bomb was driven to the Sari Club in the Kuta tourist district and then detonated.

Re-enactments are part of the country's criminal investigations.

Police have said Patek will be charged with premeditated murder in relation to the 202 people, mostly Western tourists, killed in the 2002 bombings.

Besides assembling the bombs used in the Bali attacks, Patek also confessed to carrying out a series of church bombings in Indonesia on Christmas eve 2000, police said.

Indonesian police escort Umar Patek (wearing orange shirt) during a reconstruction of the 202 Bali bombings in Denpasar. Indonesian police said Patek -- the alleged Indonesian mastermind behind the Bali bombings, which killed more than 200 people in 2002 -- re-enacted how he assembled the bombs used in the attacks

In an interview with the Jakarta Globe newspaper published last week, Patek reportedly said he had recommended that jihad be waged in Pakistan instead of Bali.

"I was just making a recommendation because at that point the preparations for the Bali bombing were almost done and there was no way it would have been called off," he was quoted as saying.

Born in 1970, Patek is a suspected member of the Al-Qaeda-linked Southeast Asian terror network Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

While on the run Patek was one of Asia's most wanted terror suspects and had a $1 million bounty on his head under the US rewards for justice programme.

He was arrested in Pakistan early this year in the town where Osama bin Laden was subsequently killed by US special forces. ( AFP )

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