Trial begins for wife of Bali bombing suspect

Trial begins for wife of Bali bombing suspect — The wife of the top suspect in the 2002 Bali bombings has gone on trial in the Indonesian capital on charges of immigration violations.

Ruqayyah binti Husein Luceno, a 31-year-old Philippine national, could face up to seven years in prison if found guilty.

She and her husband, Umar Patek, were captured in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad on Jan. 25, ending a decade-long manhunt for one of Southeast Asia's most wanted terrorist suspects.

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Patek is accused of making the explosives used in the Bali bombings, which killed 202 people. His trial date has not been set.

A state prosecutor told the East Jakarta District Court on Monday that Luceno had used a false identity card to get an Indonesian passport so she could accompany Patek as they traveled abroad. ( Associated Press )

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