Every October for at least 60 years, phantom portraits of the evil Halloween humbug have been passed on by the media and word of mouth. Parents hear accounts of children dying, clutch their fists to their chests and issue mandates about not eating a single bite of sugar until all candy has been thoroughly inspected, preferably by magnifying glass.
But the evening's sweet fun is likely being needlessly spoiled. Researchers such as Joel Best of
It really is a myth that, every October, "strangers are getting ready to poison the candy," said Aaron Campbell, a professor of pediatrics at
There has been exactly one documented case of a child being directly poisoned by Halloween candy, Carroll said. In 1974, an 8-year-old died after sucking on a Pixy Stix laced with cyanide. But the poisoner was not some mysterious Grim Reaper posing as a harmless neighbor. Nope, it was good ol' Dad.
In another case, a 5-year-old decided to try his uncle's heroin, and with no one around to give him pointers, he overdosed and died. The family then sprinkled heroin into the child'shopes of using the candy myth to cover their own negligence.
What about razor blades lurking within nougat? Pins in chocolate? Syringes?
Nope. Nope. And nope.
So parents probably can stop inspecting every shiny wrapper for tampering and instead worry about something worthwhile: The National Safety Council reports that children are four times more likely to be killed by a car on Halloween than any other day of the year. (LiveScience)
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