8,270-Year-Old Skeletons Found in Argentina

8,270-Year-Old Skeletons Found in Argentina - Argentine anthropologists found human skeletal remains some 8,270 years old on a lakeside beach in the central province of Santa Fe, the scientists said from their university offices.


Argentine anthropologists search a lakeside beach, where they found human skeletal remains some 8,270 years old.

The remains were found together with the bones of guanacos from 7,000 years ago and ceramics between 1,500 and 2,300 years old near the town of Venado Tuerto, 375 kilometers (230 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires.

The anthropologists from the National University of Rosario, Argentina's third-largest city, made the find in 2003, when heavy flooding from the lake left the remains on the surface.

"From the characteristics of the materials, the technology and the lack of any elements connected with European populations, we judged their antiquity to be a minimum of 500 years old and a maximum of 3,000 years," one of the directors of the project, Juan David Avila, told the state news agency Telam on Thursday. ( foxnews.com )

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